Location:- Old Northern Rd - Glenhaven
This oval has been parked on someone's front verandah for over 13 years. I remember going up and asking about it 13 years ago, and was told that
they were looking after it for someone. It's still there. It's just down the road from Muller's place, so don't know if he has
anything to do with it.
Does anyone know anything about it, and whether someone, someday, will bring this baby back?
haha squizy i used to look at that every day on the bus to and from school. never thought of posting it here. it'd be nice to get your hands on it. wouldn't mind it myself
Theres a resto oval at Mullers its black newly painted - its not that one is it?
That brings back some fond memories, it was there when i used to work in Dural in the early nineties, I stopped once and asked about it as well, I used to drive the long way just to keep an eye on it and to check out Mullers place as well :beer
nah pretty sure it's still there costa. it's yeloow, parked on the verandah. muller doesn't live in a white place set back from the road does he?
Yeah, white house, long drive, trees in a row up the drive, on the left heading towards round corner from castle hill, the yellow one on the right isnt it?
As you head towards Round Corner, the Oval is just after Flower Power on the right. Muller's is a futher 200m's up on the left.
It's been there way too long. It's about time whoever owns fixed it up, or gave it to me.
mate i've been looking at mullers for years and used to love going past it. now i know who lives there.
if you don't go for the oval i will. it looks good
go get the oval, a late night raid might be in order...
might be worth approachin them. got a few friends inb the area, i might see if they know the ppl that live there
Yes, I've been looking at it for a few years also. I've been told it's been occasionally spotted on the street, although I haven't
seen it move! I can only guess Muller's have first option at it though!!!!!!!!!!!!
no harm in asking tho