I spotted Herbie on Zillmere Rd this arvo at about 1pm.....talking on the mobile....looks great in person....with the rag top pulled back :thumb
Yes Herbie is a great little car....
Probably up there @ work.
Such a real eye catcher...
Yeah, I saw Herbie this morning on the Sunshine Coast - Maroochydore. I assume its the same one.
Very Nice.......
Maybe not ...the other Herbie lives at Tin Can Bay. (VWDCQ)
Judy (o\|/o)
I definatley saw the herbie from here...
How funny,
Guilty as charged, I was up the sunshine coast for thursday friday Saturday and came back, stopped on Zilmere road saturday arvo and was on the mobile
to a friend asking directions to his place.
I get a buzz reading how I was seen here or there,
I try to wave at other VWs but often they are not enthusiasts and I feel silly waving to people who look at me oddly and when I decide to relax or
concentrate on driving, then someone else catches me off guard and then they pass before I get my wave going.
PS I dont like hats but have learned to wear one in Herbie with the roof back as I have had a few bouts of sunstroke from exposure now.
Between Herbie and the MGB I have learned my lesson.
Cheers Tony
yeah, i know what you mean about the 'wave' thing.
I wasn't driving the kombi Saturday so i had to resist the urge to wave - would have felt a bit stupid
I also Think I saw Herbie, at the cornor of sandgate road (near the Palms Hotel) on Saturday I was travelling in a aqua 72 superbug
Yep, that was me too, Saturday sandgate road and Sunday, with about 15 -16 veedubs chasing me. hahahahaha
Can't wait till people post saying I saw Herbie doing a wheelie today, hehehe.
Cheers Tony
Ps I edited this and then reposted but Matt had posted in the middle thats why its out of order.
Bugga deleted wrong one !!
Ohwell !!!!
I saw Herbie driving over to straddie on Saturday morning.
Quite amazing how high in the water she sat.
Did i see the same one as everyone else???? I did wave but not from the beetle I was on my 60ft motor cruiser so looked a bit silly. you might have
seen me it was full of topless ladies :bounce:bounce:bounce:bounce
Was he on the ocean side or the inland side when you saw him?
He would have been floating high because of the lack of passengers.
I dont know how to stop him popping off like that, but then thats the beauty of Herbie, he thinks for himself.
Even if I could stop him, I would not,
because hes my friend.
Cheers Tony
Easy tiger !!
You got to stop doing that down the sea front man !!! Scaring the rice boys !
Sorry i forgot she is a he
The Lancia was a she wasn't it
Saw him in the middle, nearly ran him over
I drove past a shiney glass building today in brisbane,
in the reflection, and a little later on, I saw Herbie too, {not mine} looking a bit unloved, in need of a good wash.
Herbie sure gets around. He was driving behind me last Friday night on Brunswick St in Melbourne!
Small world.......
i wanna see herbie....ever since i was a kid i wanted a herbie
Herbie's almost home!
I am surprised that no one spotted me on the outback trip, I went to Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney and waved and got the wave from heaps of VWs and all sorts but no one it appears, saw me.
poor herbie
but if we did we woulda waved liek crazy
knows what you do when you see a herbie *WAVE*WAVE*