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Painting Info needed
57kombi - December 7th, 2003 at 09:39 PM

I will be painting my kombi and am looking for some sites that might help me. I have painted clear over base and am looking to paint in solid 2 pac.
Yes I have breathing gear.
Any help would be great.
Are there any sites with this info.


LOWBUG - December 8th, 2003 at 08:37 PM

what sort of info are you after

physcho - December 9th, 2003 at 08:55 AM

I thought that painting 2 pac wasn't a viable option for the paint at home job because you need to do it in a spray booth (And with those funny suits). at least that is what every site i have found tends to say, like this one (probly the best i have found on the net)

but if you can actually do 2 pac at home i'd love to. so proove me wrong.

57kombi - December 9th, 2003 at 11:28 AM

You dont need a spray booth, it just takes a bit longer to go off.
They say you cant spray at home because you need breathing gear, I have this !!!


tracash242 - December 9th, 2003 at 11:37 AM

or you could hire a booth for about $100 hr, a couple of hours and do it your self,

57kombi - December 9th, 2003 at 11:43 AM

That link was very good
He says that he painted 2 pac with just a 3M mask, I will be using air fed mask.
As your in Adelaide , I will let you know when it is finished and you can have a look.

helbus - December 9th, 2003 at 03:57 PM

As the paint isocynates can enter through the skin and eyes, suits gloves and air fed is the industry standard.

There are cases of spraypainters suffering from isocynate sensitivity.

I personally would not recommend spraying with just a cartridge mask.

The other factor with painting at home is finding the 'dust free environment' for the paint to dry in.

physcho - December 9th, 2003 at 09:01 PM

just cruised by the supercheap autos website (to find opening times) anyway in the paint and panel section i found this:

"Hichem Top Coat

A versatile 2 pack isocyanate free clear that offers a tough and durable coating with excellent gloss. Suitable for use over Motospray acrylic laquer colours, Hichem ISO free colours and Hichem 2 pack base coat colours.

Hichem 2 Pack ISO Free

An extremely durable isocyanate free 2 pack exhibiting excellent gloss and colour retention, abrasion resistance and weatherability. It offers excellent resistance to splash and spillage of acids, alkalis, salts, solvents, chemicals and water. "

here is a link: (clicky)

whilst the quality of the paint may be dubious (insomuch as i have no idea how good it is) it pretty much removes the major snag in painting 2 pack at home. the only other sticking point is the long drying time (and hence dust-free environment)

nevertheless an interesting development.