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Where to start with the bumpers?
splittychick - March 3rd, 2004 at 10:01 AM

I've removed my front & back bumpers on my splitty & want to clean them up to get them chromed.They are covered in a ghastly thick red paint & have a couple of small dings.Is it best to use paint stripper to get rid of the paint & who would i take it to to get the dings repaired??

68AutoBug - March 3rd, 2004 at 10:10 AM

Yes, You could use anything to get the red paint off... I don't know about the dents though... Maybe You can just putty the dents up as normal & they can chrome over it?? You may have to ask the chromers. I always believed the bumper had to be perfect to have it chromed....

Lee Noonan

[Edited on 3-3-2004 by 68AutoBug]

5PL1TDCS10N - March 3rd, 2004 at 03:52 PM

Hi Splittychick,

The chrome platers will dip it in acid to remove all the paint etc and will straighten it for you if you want them to before plating.
There are differences in chrome plating eg: triple chrome plating(copper>nickel>chrome) as apposed to the 'normal' cheaper run.
Triple chrome plating is perfect deep mirror chrome that will last a life time but is a dearer process :cool:

lobus - March 3rd, 2004 at 04:56 PM

Hi ya Splittychick, great to see you are going down the chrome track! If you go to Vinnie @ Dandenong Bumper bars, factory 2/74 Bennet St Dandenong. ph 9794 7530. He did mine and you have seen them. They were painted red before and had some imperfections and he stripped and fixed the lot.
P.S. Don't forget to get ya nose emblem done as well. Too much chrome is only nearly enough I reckon...

helbus - March 3rd, 2004 at 05:28 PM

Splitdecision and Dubnut I am in agreeance.
I also recommend Vinneys in dandenong. Make sure you stipulate if you want it chromed to last, and they will triple plate it. You get what you pay for.

baybuscamperkid - March 3rd, 2004 at 07:07 PM

hey! great to see you have finally begun on the splitty. if you want to save some money by stripping the paint yourself (this could go for the rest of your bus too) go and buy a $30 heat gun from bunnings. hold it close to the paintwork and runa scraper across it. my bumper had 3 coats of paint (thats 3 final coats, so 6 if you include primer) and i got through 1 to 2 coats in one swipe of the scraper. easier then sanding and more pleasant then all the chemicals in paint strippers.

splittychick - March 3rd, 2004 at 07:25 PM

Thanx for your replys everyone...Vinnie sounds like the go,yes dubnut i've seen yours & thats exactly what i'm after.:thumb:thumb