Whats a good product, besides the good but rather expensive por15,
for painting a floor that only has minor surface rust.
Looking for something that has a nice gloss finish maybe.
Any suggestions
Good old Killrust gloss black looks ok. Brush it on to get in all the crevices then spray another coat over the top to make it smoother.
Por15 seems expensive but it goes alot further than you think. One litre would probably be enough to cover the whole floor. It is rock hard and even when brushed comes up very smooth and shiny.
Peter, do you need to apply a primer or rust converter first with either product or can it it be put srtaight on the floor.
Por works best on metal that has been blasted but you can just get the wire brush in the drill and clean it as best as you can, then just paint por15
with a brush or spray it.
1 litre will cover a floor
I wouldnt go past Por 15, its not that much more expensive and the finish is excellent.
I have to agree that POR is the best option for floors. Keep in mind that POR15 Rust Preventative Paint is UV sensitive and will discolour over time
if exposed to sunlight. If you plan to cover it with carpets, it won't matter. POR recommends that you clean with their brand of cleaner and pre
treat with thier rust remover/preprimer. I find all thier products work very well and come in handy for all sorts of degreasing and rust removing
POR has a very glossy finish and looks excellent even when brushed on. In my experience a 100ml can is enough to do all the floor of a type 3 you can
reach from inside the car, if you don't lay it on too thick, for $11 +P&H it's not bad value.
I only used 3 litres to do the floor of my splitty inside and out.