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Anyone in Melbourne
Buzzz - April 23rd, 2004 at 05:24 PM

I know it's a lot to ask (borrowing tools and all) but here goes anyway. Does anyone in Melbourne possibly have a good air hacksaw that they might be willing to lend someone in need, my one (8 years old) has just given up the goat on me. I'm suiciding my doors and can't afford a new one right now. I know a guys (or gals) tools are sacred and would treat it with the atmost respect. I only need it for two weekends around mid-June (either that or a plasma, but I think I'd be grasping at straws). Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated.

low55 - April 29th, 2004 at 09:11 PM

what are you doing with it there mite be another way