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Inexpensive Paint job for my beetle???
MissyBug - June 14th, 2004 at 08:28 PM


I've bought myself a lovely little 1967 Deluxe Beetle and she's in need of a paint job. She's currenlly white and I'd like to keep her that way. Can anyone suggets a painter in Sydney, that could do a cheap-but-good respray? I'm in the Balmain area.

Thanks! :)

type_one - June 14th, 2004 at 09:16 PM

Check this post out

MissyBug - June 15th, 2004 at 08:32 PM

Thanks Typeone!

type_one - July 13th, 2004 at 09:06 PM

Check out member rides under Kombi respray for more pics of this kombi