The silver spray around the outside of the plastic grille on the front of my T25 van is fading
Is there a paint i can use that will adhere to plastic??
Havent thought but would just spray the whole grille?? Not worry about keeping the silver surround??
Then again - those silver texta's Too stoopid??
If a plastic primer is used, normal automotive paint will do fine.
You can get these in spray pressure packs.
You can get this from Auto 1??? or whoever??
[Edited on 6-7-2004 by blue74l]
Yep any auto parts place will have it. Sometimes they have a plastic paint in silver which needs no primer, but usually designed for ricers to use on dash parts. If it is trim paint it is usually not UV stabilised and will fade quickly.
You can get a product called Bumpercoat. Made by K&H.
Its black, but its used by most Auto detailers as a basecoat because of its adheasion qualitys.
Bumpercoat is designed more for bumpers as it's name suggests. It is thicker and a lot of the product range is designed to make a textured finish. If
you get a plastic primer make sure you get a product designed to give a smooth finish so the silver looks nice & smooth on top.
Thanks guys
Will have a good look and work out if it will be too hard to mask off.
I might just go over the whole thing in a deep grey (or maybe a bright yellow to match! )
Most good quality enamel spray paints will adhere to plastic without a primer.. just use light coats.. a few minutes apart...
the cheap enamel paints $3- $5 are really garbage and will fade quickly...
then there are the automotive paints that really do stick to most things... You will have to wipe the plastic clean with a wax remover first, to make
sure the paint will stick...
just spray something plastic that You don't really want painted and see if it will come off??? No chance....
Lee ...