Hey peter just wondering your opinion on high pressure low volume gravityfeed guns. I am trying to decide whether to get a standard gravity feed gun
or a hvlp gun, one guy i spoke to said that he doesn't like them because they don't disperse the paint in a wide enough fan and therefore your more
likely to get orange peel etc unless you turn the material adjustment right down and then you take a lot longer to spray. the reason i was leaning
towards hvlp was that i am spraying in a shed without extraction or blowers and was conscious of overspray etc, whats your views.
Also could you please tell me what effect nib size has on material delivery ie what difference between a 2mm nib and say 1.7 or 1.4 my first job will
be out of acrylic . thanks for your help david
only my 3rd week in the "trade" but we use HVLP guns, and we work on ferrari's, and lambo's, and mercs, and porsches and what-not Presiege cars..
orange peer isnt a bad thing, if it isnt too fine..
if you spray the paint too fine, you get rough and small orange peel, but when you spray a nice wet/even coat you get a nice looking orange peel.. and
if u accidentally get some "small" peel you use some 2000 paper, and sand it good you'd be sanding patches before you cut anyway.. to get rid of bits of dust...
[Edited on 13-7-2004 by killakornkobb]
moral of that post..
90% of the guns we use are the hvlp guns, and we get these kinda of cars looking brand new again
Nobody wants peel
HVLP guns are far better than standard the atomise the paint far better thus giving a better finish with less materials.
For 2-pacs a 1.4/1,5 tip is best as for acrylics i am not sure as i wont use them.The difference on nib size affects the amount of paint allowed out .
E.g most 2-pac high fill primers need a 2.0 tip where as top coats(mono coat and clear coats) use 1.4/1.5.
As for what brand of gun to go for, something like a trempro would be best for what you want, The HVLP if about $180 and does a good job for a cheap
gun. There are better out there but they cost a lot more and for doing you own stuff and the amount of use you will get out of it it would cost to
In answer to the fan question, a HVLP has a much wider fan than standard,i use a iwata w400 lv2 and a iwata w400 wb. With both i can get a very wide
fan and good coverage.
Orange peel is all down to how you apply the paint,to much material,not enough material,gun set up wrong etc etc. Most painters will tell you they can
match peel to the car they are spraying so that when only a few panels are being done you can't see a difference. The best advice i can give is get
an old panel and have a few goes untill you get a feel for the gun and how the paint flows when applied.
Hope this was of some help
Just remember HVLP requires alot more Air, may run on low psi but sucks alot more air,
thanks guys hvlp it is then, as for orange peel i am painting in satin black and am thinking that an even peel all over would kind of add texture if this makes sense. on another front will it bve necessary to colour sand a satin finish or will i be able to get away with just a light rub back i want to bring up a low sheen look rather than a high gloss something like this am going to do gloss flames in blue and silver and orange though. is it possible to put pearl clears of acrylic?
PPG have a flattening agent thing, forget the name but it can make paint not glossy
you'll always have peel because it IS the texture of the paint.. and
yeah we match the peel to the not repaired panels
i quite like the look
of a nice even peel.. have a look at a new car in the light, and on an angle.. beautiful
I think a nice even peel in satin will look the bomb, Have just finished doing the interior in a matt black out of a trade spray can( my new
compressor not here yet) and it looks great, was doing it as a test with intention of doing again when compressor arrives but not going to bother it
looks great and with no buff back the peel adds a nice texture.
sounds awesome!.. only thing holding me back from painting my car is the dash needs to be done aswell.. and the fact im pov
When I painted I used Preval kits for the interior, worked ok