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Opinion on paint scheme for 70 deluxe kombi
soulsurfer - July 25th, 2004 at 08:58 AM

I am considering changing the paint scheme so that the two tone colour comes down to waist instead of above the windows...but i have not seen any early bay deluxes with this pattern, they all seem to have the paint up the top of the it just bad manners to consider doing this? would the serious enthusiast laugh and gossip? Interested in all opinions...thanks

[Edited on 24-7-2004 by soulsurfer]

pod - July 25th, 2004 at 09:08 AM

go for it ! its all a freedom of expression:thumb
everyone has there own tastes and to hell with the purists:vader

DubCrazy - July 25th, 2004 at 10:48 AM

when you say down to the waist what do you mean??? like the green and white one in the pic?? At the end of the day its all about how u want you van to look not anyone else,pod's totaly right do what makes you happy....


soulsurfer - July 25th, 2004 at 10:56 AM

good shot to comapre the two choices i am talking about, i agree with the freedom thing, just wondered if since is a deluxe would it detract from the "deluxeness" vibe?

david - July 25th, 2004 at 01:04 PM

feel the love man express your desires through your kombi

DubCrazy - July 25th, 2004 at 03:39 PM

well the two tone thats on the green one is how a lot of the deluxe's came out in europe so you will not be taking anything away from it.... If you can't make your mind up like me do as i did have both... the blue and the green one were both mine when i was still in the uk... :D:D


pyr0 - July 25th, 2004 at 03:46 PM

either way its a delux with matching No.'s so no matter what people say its still a delux, and as long as you like it go for it :)

soulsurfer - July 26th, 2004 at 08:34 AM

good to know there were some that came out like that, i was likely going to do it anyway but i do have a small amt of "purist" in me...thanks for the feedback

~air fooled~ - July 26th, 2004 at 10:03 AM

i hear polka dots are in man, go with the flow hahaha...;);)