I was talking to a mate the other day about my bro's kombi. He wants to paint it in matt paint. My mate said matt paint doesn't seal properly and it
lets the moisture in. in fact he reckons, the only paint that seals completely is gloss.
is he right?
if he is, can you wax matt paint or oil it to seal it or something?
a "matt" paint can be sealed... there are a couple of ways to have a matt finish and have it sealed off ...
1..... if doing the job in base coat you can get a matting clear coat that when it drys it is a flat matt or if u desire semi gloss, how evere you
want it really
2.... the other way is with a top coat black, you add a matting agent to it so that when it drys it will matt off. the more u add the matter it
goes till a totaly matt is achieved
all depends on the pruduct to how much u add etc etc and i am refering to 2-pacs
i can only guess that your mate is talking about a gmh black or something like that... some of them are weather proof others are not... but for the
best finish and seal go the matting clear or matting agent ... can give a bloody ace finish....
I'm painting my notch john deere blitz black....i've done some research and found this stuff is pretty good...as long as you don't want to paint
over it, so i'm told...
I've heard matting agents are a bit hit and miss, and can still mark pretty easy (oily hand prints etc)...i'm not a painter so i'm only going on
what I've heard.
If anyone has any first hand experience...i'm all ears.
ta, good to know.
a matting agent in 2-pac will be no different to painting with out it, just will be matt not gloss. look at the later mercs, there bars are a semi
matt and i have painted hundreds of them over the years with no dramas...