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Whats better as a general primer, etch or metal?
Chewy - March 22nd, 2005 at 06:56 PM

Hey whats the best primer to use as a general all purpose primer on bare steel and aluminium?
etch primer or basic metal primer?
Im using Kill rust primer and kill rust epoxy can spray paint.

helbus - March 23rd, 2005 at 10:31 AM

You really have to read the characteristics and specifications of the products.

Spies Hecker Have a product called 'red brown' primer and it is a two pack red oxide that etches really well. I thouroughly recommend it and it has a good reputation. Used by a lot of professionals and resto shops. Cost you a couple of hundred to do a car. Also need breathing protection as it is a two pack

You mention spray cans. Well I dunno. I always use spray guns in spray booths when painting so a can in a garage is not something I know a lot about.

Chewy - March 23rd, 2005 at 11:46 AM

I'm only painting little things like trailing arms, spring plates, steering box etc.
Just wondering what primer is best for when I sandblast the little things and give them a fresh coat of paint.
thats why Im using cans, and 2-pac would be way to much effort!

beerdoc - March 28th, 2005 at 05:58 PM


When doing that sort of thing I always get it powder coated where practical and if painting I use Darbys (opp Kardinia Park)

There good on advice (not the young lad dum as dog shit ) and ask for trade

I have been buying cans cheaper than Bunnings and better quality.

Chewy - March 28th, 2005 at 09:49 PM

Hey thanks Doc
By the way I payed your mate Noel a visit the other day and had a good squiz at your split panel!
get to work boy that thing aint doing any good sitting under a tree!

beerdoc - March 29th, 2005 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Chewy
Hey thanks Doc
By the way I payed your mate Noel a visit the other day and had a good squiz at your split panel!
get to work boy that thing aint doing any good sitting under a tree!

Ye your dam right about that but I think Noel is taking a liking to it.
Will have Bug done for Daughter in the next 2 months and then the split is coming home
Hopfully will be doing spray painting coarse next term come and join us?

Chewy - March 29th, 2005 at 09:19 PM

Are you taking a course at the Gordon??
I want to do a course in production engineering, but if its a short night course Id be very interested..

Gibbo - March 29th, 2005 at 09:32 PM

I'd be interested in the rattle can products, especially for priming small body and chassis areas to protect them.

Anyone recommend a good primer/etcher in a can?


beerdoc - March 30th, 2005 at 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Chewy
Are you taking a course at the Gordon??
I want to do a course in production engineering, but if its a short night course Id be very interested..

Ye it is Tuesday nights 6-9 for a school term.

Info comes out with Geelong news

Chewy - March 30th, 2005 at 07:29 PM

geelong news?? the addy?

Do you know where they list all the different night courses and when they are on at?

beerdoc - March 30th, 2005 at 09:39 PM

Geelong news Addy Im not sure now but should be out soon with a new term