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Wotsa good spray gun?
Softop - April 12th, 2005 at 03:54 PM

My sons birthday is coming up and it's also his final year in his spray painting apprenticeship. (bonus, I get the Beetle painted for free!)

As a reward, and bribe, what is a GOOD spray gun and how much would I have to pay for one........scare me. I'm sitting down!

VWCOOL - April 12th, 2005 at 06:41 PM

Dunno! Free bump...

pyr0 - April 12th, 2005 at 06:42 PM

what type of paint are you going to use it for ?

gravity fed or suction feed?

how good are you with a spray gun ?

Softop - April 12th, 2005 at 07:06 PM

Originally posted by pyr0
what type of paint are you going to use it for ?

gravity fed or suction feed?

how good are you with a spray gun ?

1#Dunno, I'm not painting it. All I know is the colour.

2#Which is best/most popular?

3#I'm lousy, but then again I'm not painting it. :thumb

killakornkobb - April 15th, 2005 at 04:11 PM

top 3 brands in australia are
1. De vilbiss

2. Sata

3. Anest Iwata

these are gravity fed guns that that you would paint the outside of a car with.. these days gravity fed guns are used for guidecoats and somtimes primer - not the crucial stuff, as theyre very cheap and not that great.

gravity fed is the way to go.

im doing a spray painting apprenticeship and i plan to get either a sata or a devilbiss, as theyre the guns my boss uses, (painting late model porsches, bmw's, merc's etc) - you can understand the kind of quality that can be achieved with these 2 brands of guns..

Iwata i have heard are a "banger" gun - easier to use for quick jobs that arnt of superior standard - but still good

i couldnt reccoment any model specifically but theyre the brands to go for:)

pyr0 - April 15th, 2005 at 05:41 PM

sata are nice, the sata jet to be exact.

i especially like the iwatta W400 ;)

silver - April 15th, 2005 at 05:46 PM

I have a Devilbis, it's great gun could cost you about $500 bucks though, I have had mine for 10 years with no Dramas

helbus - April 15th, 2005 at 05:49 PM

It also comes down to personal choice, products/ brand paint being used and enviroment eg. air pressure/ flow available.

It is probably really important to let him choose the gun.

pyr0 - April 15th, 2005 at 05:56 PM

hmm your right helbus we use to use sikens, which i quiet liked using the W400 with. but now we have changed to spies hecker and im finding the sata seems to work better with it :sandrine

DubCrazy - April 15th, 2005 at 06:48 PM

each to there own with this one, personaly i will only use iwata (w400 or wb) . Over the 17 years i have been in the game i have found them to be far better than any of the others... As i say thats me as the next bloke will tell u he loves the satas and hates the iwata. the truth is they are both great guns and it will come down to what the painter prefers to use. As you can probley tell its quiet a hot topic among painters to which is better. a perfect exsample is what killakornkobb said, his boss uses one brand and thinks the others are not as good etc etc.. so as he is learning his trade there he will more than lightly form the opion too and stick with what he knows. oh the joys :thumb


h - April 16th, 2005 at 12:37 AM

hey imnot in the game but i got one from trade tools qld n it works a treat for the last few years.. about 100 smackers.. good luck

Softop - April 16th, 2005 at 11:11 AM

Gee thanks guys, you've just made buying Son a spray gun a whole lot harder:D

Especially killakornkobb with the line....
"these are gravity fed guns that that you would paint the outside of a car with.. these days gravity fed guns are used for guidecoats and somtimes primer - not the crucial stuff, as theyre very cheap and not that great."

And then follows with
"gravity fed is the way to go." HUH? :o

I may have to go with Hellbus. That way if it turns out that the gun is no good it wont be my fault !!

killakornkobb - April 16th, 2005 at 11:28 AM

my bad - suction fed are the cheap ones for guid coat primer etc.. lol

i use an iwata W400 at trade school, to paint jobs for them and it's pretty nice.. but still prefeer my boss' sata jet :)