any tips?
Obviously a 75 kombi.
First of all hold the new rubber up and around the door to make sure it is the same as your old one.
You will have to clean out all the old rubber and carefully scrape out any glue and stuff without scratching all the paint off as this will promote
rust later. I suggest using wax & grease remover, also known as prepsol or prepwash.
Once it is all clean and there is no more loose bits. Then clean the new rubber with the prepsol to get all of the waxy stuff or white powdery stuff
off. Pop the pin out of the strap that holds the door open so you can get the rubber around it.
Now starting from a corner you need to carefully brush contact adhesive glue on the rubber (the stuff that looks like yellow snot) and in the groove
using a narrow brush so you dont get it everywhere. Follow the instructions on the glue correctly. Do small sections at a time maybe 150mm, so you can
control exactly what you are doing.
Once te rubber is on, press it all around againt to make sure it is in properly. You can clan up any bits of glue with the prepsol. NOW don't forget
to put the pin back in the strap. Wind the window down a bit and slam the door shut.
It will be hard to shut and will probably be that way for weeks. I recommend a product in a spray can called Rubber Magic. It softens new rubbers and
helps them bed in. When you buy rubber kits from Rare Spares for old Holdens it comes with the kit.
The more time you spend and the more patient you are the better the job will be.
Good luck.
onya hellbus
good story.
Do you know of any rubber or pvc paint on stuff or vinyl for tha wear in newer steering wheels ?
email if you would or u2u
thanks for those tips, couple of questions:
does anyone have a pic of the driver/passenger door to show the shape the rubber takes where it opens over the lock/latch bit? i can for the life of
me figure out how its supposed to fit here and it seems like the rubber has to twist..its not working?!?!
also, do i have to remove the sliding door to put it on or is there trick?