Bought some Etch Primer the other day and thought i would test my skills as i havnt sprayed for about 2 years and i only did it every now and then as
i used to be a truck body builder and would help the painter some times.
So i let the compressor rip and mixed the primer with 20% thinners like it said. Played with the settings on the gun but it keeps spitting. It sprays
out in a mist but it is splattering out like on and off. I am guessing this is due to the incorrect nozzle as it works fine when i spray just thinners
through the gun it sprays out in a nice mist.
Also it is not a gravity fed gun.
Should i buy a gravity fed fun for primer. And what is the correct nozzle for primer and can i use that same nozzle for acrylic paint?
is the nozzle blocked or try in with more thinners
Nozzle wasnt blocked cause i have never used the gun it was new out of the box.
But as soon as i ran thinners through it, it came out in a constant mist.
I didnt want to use too much thinners otherwise the paint will run.
Use more thinners and go for a lighter coat to avoid runs. It's better to do several thin coats than one thick coat.
This is etch primer... can't you sand out the runs before the next coat?
I wasnt worried about the runs.
I thought i was using more then enough thinners.
Ill give it another go i guess.
Sounds a lot like the gland nut needs tightening or a new seal. The gland nut is the small 8mm or so one behind the trigger that is on the long shaft with the point. If this is loose or leaking air the spray will come out on and off. An auto paint supply place will have seal kits for most guns, as a lot of the seals are generic.
Thanks for your help i will try that.