Hi Guys,
I just want to know from some person with knowlege in auto spray painting,if it is suitable to spray 2k primer over acrylic primer without having any
long term problems?
not a tradsman but i say yes
yeh its ok ive done it a few time and no problems so far
You should have no problems at all doing that, i use acrylic primers on rub thoughs and any little spots that need something but will dry quick.
never had any dramas doing so.....................
I asked this question the other day at the paint shop and was told that it is okay in general, but the primer wont be as strong/ hard as if it was two
pak, hence it would be more likely to chip off than if you had used a two pak primer- I guess you just have to weigh up the costs involved.
With small stuff I couldn't be bothered mixing up the two pak and havent had any dramas (yet)
It may turn out ok depending on the quality of the acrylic primer and how long it has been laid down.
It is not recommended, but it may be ok. I would be reluctant to say yes definitley unless I knew more about the situation. The brands of product, the
age of product, the original application etc.
Put it this way. If I was putting my name to the job with a guarantee, I would remove the acrylic.
Hi All,
Helbus, the acrylic primer and is about 6 months old the panels were stripped down to bare metal after which an etch primer was applied first. Both
products are made by PPG. ie surface is in excellent condition.
You have good quality product on there and it was bare metal, so I would lean towards it being ok. Personally it is not how I would do it.
Thanks I agree with you, it's only because I've had a change of mind with the acrylic, ie it chips easily and all that polishing you got to do to keep it looking smick.
You will find PPG or Dulux 'Dulon' to be very good quality acrylic that will hold their shine very well. I did my EH show car 8 years ago in acrylic
and people still now ask "How did you get your 2 pak paint so mirror flat?"
It took about 500 hours of work to paint it to national showcar standard, taking out top sedan and top modified at the nationals and earning a few
pages in the illustrious Street Machine mag.
It was this amount of hours I spent to get it perfect that has swayed me toward two pak and both the HELBUS and the KOC Beetle are painted in two pak.
While not show cars by any means, they still look very shiny and wash easily.