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Is it legal????
duckydubless - August 19th, 2005 at 03:50 PM

To use a compressor at home and spray paint at all???? eg: a pan ,small parts,. When does it become illegal?? or does it??

MikeM - August 19th, 2005 at 04:39 PM

Depends on your local Council laws.

Since you are at the Gold Coast I would say it is illegal, but that is a guess.

Did you know that for residents of the Gold Coast it is technically illegal to change the oil in your car. Or to work on your car at all for that matter. Even changing a tyre could be considered illegal on the Gold Coast depending how you interpret the local bylaws.

You can how ever check your oil and water levels.... but thats about it.

Gotta love the Gold Coast.

killakornkobb - August 19th, 2005 at 05:08 PM

but they give 17 yr olds the key's without needing a P plate up...


bajachris88 - August 19th, 2005 at 06:16 PM

Thats right, its good for 17 yr olds like me., good old Gold Coast. I live in North Goldcoast, on the border towards logan.

Lucky though, no one cares around here what car work u do. People up the road have a racing derby kinda car, and they build it up and repair/soup/rev the crap out of it now and then.

Down the road too, we had some dude painting up a car. It just depends what part of the gold coast u live to know whether u can get away with it.

Its not a crime if no one knows Lol :rolleyes:nn[ Edited on19/8/2005 by mynameischris88 ]

tassupervee - August 20th, 2005 at 09:00 AM

When i read stuff like this it makes me feel very happy that i live in southern Tasmania on 8 acres in the scrub.
The wowsers and the thought-police are funning riot on the mainland.

At the risk of thread hijacking, witness the huff and puff over the Big Brother Uncut brouhaha.
What a load of hot air. What next?

Sandy - August 20th, 2005 at 03:57 PM

I sprayed my whole car in the carport at Brisbane, but my neighbours knew about my obsession and were easy going. I'd say it depends on whereabouts on the coast you are. I don't know about laws, but if you're surrounded by yuppies in flash new houses you're bound to get a complaint. Then again if you're just doing a pan, you'll probably be finished by the time they notice the fumes.

crewcabconnection - August 20th, 2005 at 04:19 PM

paint when people are at work and invest in decent 3M type masks. I reckon if you're not sure what's legal, then the neighbours won't either, and the local Plod wont be interested unless you broke some council order and we're painting them often. Consider your own OH&S though, 2Pac creates terrible fumes compaired to Acrylic, just paint a door or something and see who winges. It might also be a good reason to move from the Gold Coast.

tassupervee - August 20th, 2005 at 09:25 PM

It might also be a good reason to move from the Gold Coast.

Hehehehe see my post above!

duckydubless - August 22nd, 2005 at 11:00 AM

Thanks was painting small parts and the witch next door complained, you just can't win, next menth when the buggy is up and going she will prob complain about the engine noise!!!!!!!!!!!!!

vw54 - August 22nd, 2005 at 11:58 AM

Depends entirely on your neighbours