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Rust Repairs
tinman - August 24th, 2005 at 04:47 PM

Hey guys wondering if I can get some tips on how best to deal with rust spots on my 65 beetle.

I was going to
1. wire brush the effected area
2. coat in rust converter or kill rust? Which is best to use?
3. coat with something to seal the area from the elements Which product is best?

Any advise would be much appreciatated as I'd like to do this the correct way the first time.nn[ Edited on 9-9-2005 by tinman ]

tinman - September 9th, 2005 at 12:44 PM


Dasdubber - September 11th, 2005 at 07:56 PM

Is this just a bit of mild surface rust or are there bubbles in the paint with rust holes? If it is just minor pitting with the metal still quite solid, then wire brushing paint rust off etc, then applying rust converter (let it dry and wipe off residue - see instructions on bottle), then applying something like killrust is quite adequate. To match the paint the steps would be, same as above but instead of killrust (or whatever), you would clean with wax/grease remover, apply etch primer, apply putty if necessary, sand, apply primer/high build primer most likely, sand then paint top coat colour.

If there are holes then no rust converter/sealer will help - it will mean having it cut out and replaced with fresh metal. Don't be tempted to bog it up, there are far too many bodged repairs out there already.