Me again
I think I've gone off the matt black idea and onto a matt army green. I was looking for army green buses on the samba and found this beuty. Thinkin
I might do something similar, but how would I get a color like it? Any idea if this is matt or satin?
P.s had a very busy day and almost ready to paint!!! Lots of hard work done!
That looks sweet!!!
looks more satin to me
Yeah I love it - though I might go slightly more towards an army colour as I also wanted to put 2 1/2 inch white walls and posibly red rims (but don't think the red would go with this green quite?)
Looks like our old bus which was Martini Olive green.
It is all a big blurr really and there are a lot of inbetweens.
Hey Helbus Do you have any oics of the old bus?
Here is an old pic I dug up and scanned
That was Fleur back in her hippy days, along with my brother with genuine rips in his pants because they were about 5 years old.
oh yeah lovin the hippy thing! Gotta be one of the nicest hippy buses I've seen!! v. nice!
Do you just rock up to a paint shop with a laptop and photo, or do u need paint codes or?
Found this nice army rat on the forum (the lower section colour) - would like to know the colour also
A paint shop will have satin army green colour on their system. You can have a look through their colour chart boks and see if there is anything else then that interests you also.