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Rotisserie Details
beerdoc - January 22nd, 2007 at 08:58 PM

Hi all Have hed a few questions on my rotisserie so I have put together a few details

Material List

75 x 75 x 3mm (i bought 2 lenghts and had this list pre cut)
8 x 1100
2 x 500
1 x 720
1 x 900
2x 400
1 x 1000

50 x 100 6mm angle x 500 (rear bumper)
10mm plate (front bumper)

Pipe is 3mm bore (i got lucky and got this from mate)

I took this idea of the net and re scaled it but because I was unsure of how balanced it would be I made my bumper mounts adjustable.I would not bother next time and have allowed less 30mm on the pic THIS IS THE 490 MEASUREMENT which is centre to centre

The 1130 is floor to centre and my garage truss is 2300 from ground If i had more height I would make this higher

The 1200 came from offcuts and I decided to go wider on the bottom

COST doing it myself $300

I hope this helps

beerdoc - January 22nd, 2007 at 08:59 PM

few more pics

beerdoc - January 22nd, 2007 at 09:00 PM

beerdoc - January 22nd, 2007 at 09:01 PM

kroozzn63 - January 22nd, 2007 at 09:14 PM

A many times asked ,thank you for this its a saver

ruckus - January 22nd, 2007 at 09:15 PM

Geez I nearly thought we'd forgotten Daryl for a second there!

BenettonVW - January 23rd, 2007 at 09:04 PM

Thanks very much for that Doc, I appreciate it. HEAPS.

I'll try to make sense of the rear attachment to the bus. I was going to attach to the front chassis where the beam bolts in, but not sure about the rear. But you are going on both ends bumper attachments, right? And it can be suspended upside down like this okay?

beerdoc - January 24th, 2007 at 06:11 PM

No wuckas Jim

Ruckus helped me but we did not have a proper program to do measurements (its not that bad ruckus and yes I snuck daryl the chisel in when you werent looking)

We have had the bus almost upside down but due to my garage not allowing the height

This is the reason I have suggested if you have no height probs go a little higher (200mm might do it)

Dont stess about bumper mounts takijng weight ( I did) we have 2 guys in it working at the same time on its side

It is a very basic and can be modified to suit and improved

Any questions welcome