Hi Guys,
Can anyone tell me how to undo the vinyl headliner where it is attached above the door on my 76 kombi
If you mean above the drivers and front passengers door, the head liner is folded over a metal strip that is bent up to hold it against the roof.
To remove, get something between the liner and the roof at the edge and bend it down.
Use something very blunt or plastic so you don't damage the paint or lining.
If your removing it completely, all windows need to be out first, and work from front to rear, as the last 'bow' is cliped to the roof. for
re-instaling work rear to front.
Hope that helps.
yes but how do you remove the rear vision mirror.Is there screws behind the rubber cover ?
That's easy, get a good hold of the stem and twist (left or right). It just clips in, but it's pretty tight though.
mine is falling off, dont need to worry about pulling it off myself