I've removed the front right quarter window some years ago & replaced with an opening quarter window. At the time I found some info about the
procedure to do this which was really useful.
Now I'm about to do the same on the left side but can't find the info I had.
Does anyone know any online instructions for doing this job or could describe the procedure? thx
I just found the last time I asked about this, (2003!) , longer ago than I thought. If anyone has any further advice or online info to add would be
appreciated, thx again
Can't add any more info to that, and don't have pics sorry.
If you've done it once, it should come back to you.
I have never looked on the Samba if there is info on there. Another place to look is Richard Atwell's web page.
Time and patience.
Just unbolt them and put them back in. 10 minutes per side