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Sagging Driver Door
Blue65 - November 19th, 2009 at 10:39 PM


There is a sag in my driver's door - there is also a slight bulge in the skin of the door exterior near the bottom hinge.

Any suggestions on how to repair this?

68AutoBug - November 19th, 2009 at 11:46 PM

Both of these things are common...
if its a bulge it sounds like rust???

I used Fish oil in My cars and have never had any rust..

the pins inside the hinge do wear out over 30 years..

Now.. getting these pins out [from the bottom]
is really difficult... the pins are rusted in...
many people heat the hinges with an OXY and then hit the hinge pin with a punch and a large hammer...

but there are tools available that are made for this job...

Club Vee Dub in Sydney, I believe has a tool they lend out to members... whether anyone else has one I'm not sure...

One of the VW shops would probably have one too..
You would have to pay to have the pin taken out and the new pin installed...

I have tried many times to knock one of those pins out without any success..

best of luck
