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Ghost Flames
57kombi - July 28th, 2003 at 02:02 PM

Not that I am thinking of putting them on the kombi.

But how do you do ghost flames, are they painted on with a slightly differant shade paint ???

RSI - July 28th, 2003 at 03:07 PM


kombikim - July 28th, 2003 at 03:56 PM

I just tell people I have them, much cheaper:alien

Unity-28 - July 28th, 2003 at 04:04 PM

Very Fine Pearl!


helbus - July 28th, 2003 at 05:49 PM

What do you mean you are not thinking of putting them on the kombi?

It would look better than polka dots.

Has anyone got polka dots on their ride? :D

baybuscamperkid - July 28th, 2003 at 06:02 PM

i dunno, but its a cool idea!

Herbie - July 28th, 2003 at 10:16 PM

Click here, Is this what you mean?

This is a previous post as a test, but this is a flame job my friends and I did that really turns heads, Its not subtle like ghost flames but thats just a matter of colour choice.:cool:

bajaman64 - July 28th, 2003 at 10:54 PM

A guy at work is getting them put on his 32 model chev and its costing him a packet, somewhere in the $8000 region for the flames and paint. He tells me its done by using pearl and a darker shade airbrushed on. It appears very time consuming and labour intensive. The actual paint job is done in a weekend but the flames will take longer. If i was to spend that much on something i would like everyone to see it.


KOM123 - July 29th, 2003 at 12:32 AM

Somehow I missed your original post Herbie but I have to say that Sandman is awesome!! Good job :thumb

Herbie - July 29th, 2003 at 09:17 AM

Thanks very much,
Its the result of 4 talented young men that are employed because of their creativity who suddenly found themselves all Unemployed, {thanks Brad Pitt} when the film they were all working on collapsed.
So Tim who owns the van decided to repaint it in the original colour which I call metallic mustard and with that we convinced Tim to pause and reflect, Hes a Great Guy with a lean toward Retro styles, loves Hotrods and offbeat weird music amongst other things, we Noticed he had several Drawings showing fantasy vans etc and got him to describe how he would ultimately picture the Van and we sat down with Photoshop and go through different colourschemes a effects and came up with this, Tim knew he wanted to keep the van for a long time so we went nuts, cutting out rust and making sure it stayed gone, replacing panels with brand new repros and rust proofing the van to the eyeballs.
Now I will admit that I was also preoccupied with Herbies half done state and didn't invest as much elbow grease as the others plus I got some work in the middle too but Did create the flames and Sandman graphics that we used as masks for the airbrushing and helped get the windows sorted and a lot of "dont hold Back" type of encouragement.
Those people who live in Sydney would possibly have seen Tim cruising around the Fox Studios Area.
Mostly I am proud of Tim for stepping out of the closet of car customisers and hopefully this wont be his last Custom car.
Cheers Tony

DubCrazy - July 29th, 2003 at 10:36 PM

ghost flames= lots of different ideas on what they are by lots of different people. they are infact a pearl or candy layed over the top of the cars colour before the clear is layed down... if done right they will only apper at different angles so they can give the affect they are moving as the car goes past... they can be layed on heavier so that they are seen from all angles but that is not a true ghost flame... yea they cost a lot to do but the average flame job will take about 15 hours of fine line masking u can see why... some of you ask why do it? well it be different.. how often do you see such things? and dont we all want our cars to stand out from the crowd? everyone has there own tastes and style but at the end of the day we are trying to create a car/bus that will make people stand up and take notice...

helbus - July 29th, 2003 at 11:43 PM

That's so true about time taken to paint flames. It took me about 6 hours to stencil and mask the flames on Helbus, 20 minutes to put on the purple colour and 10 minutes to unmask it. Then it was clear over the whole bus.

57kombi - July 30th, 2003 at 06:43 PM

Thanks Dubcrazy,
Thats the info I was after.
Is there a specific pearl you use ?

DubCrazy - July 30th, 2003 at 09:48 PM

u can use any pearl, it all depends on what colour your car/bus is and what affect you want...say its a dark blue then the best options would be a fine blue pearl or a crystal silver.. but i have seen and done other colours. its more a case of trial and error, get your body shop to do some spray out cards and see if the affects work ... one thing you must remember is most pearls have an opposite flip eg. green has a pink has a cream flip. very few pearls are a true one colour flip.. but things are changing as new products come on the market they get better and better. PPG have just come out with two new pearls that dont have a alternate flip... sliver and a gold one... i have not tryed them out yet as i only got them a few days ago.. but from what the rep said they really look good and the affects are soon as i have tryed them out i'll let you knows...

helbus - July 30th, 2003 at 10:00 PM

Hey Dubcrazy, what about some flames in Prizmatique?


Unity-28 - July 31st, 2003 at 12:36 PM

House Of Kolor Have a great range of Pearls, In most colours, FIne or very visible!


bugboymatt - July 31st, 2003 at 12:48 PM

Anyone got a pic of ghost flames on white cars !!

57kombi - July 31st, 2003 at 06:28 PM

The colour is the yellow on the new beetle cabriolet, or if I cant get that it will be the yellow on the Scooby WRX.


DubCrazy - July 31st, 2003 at 07:40 PM

not a bad idea there helbus.. the prizmatique is a wicked affect.. i am doing a purple HQ at the mo with the prizmatique over it for a customer. as for doing them as the flames.. great idea.. i think it would look great , i have a dude with a one tonner coming in for a flame job in the next few weeks mite have to see if he thinks it would be good..if it comes good i'll post a pic for ya to see

DubCrazy - July 31st, 2003 at 08:01 PM

mmm yellow... i think the best ones would be a purple or vilot they both work really well with a bright yellow or for a full ghost i would go for the fine yellow pearl... that would not be very vivid but it would give the true ghosting affect with maybe a vilot shadow to the flames..

57kombi - July 31st, 2003 at 08:22 PM

Hey Dubcrazy
What do you mean a violet shadow???
I thought I would just mask the flames and paint them with the pearl yellow,????
Would that work????

Do you use the pearl after the colour has been painted but before the clear,
I was going to paint it then use 25% clear, Then 50% clear then 75% clear then a couple of 100% clear coats.
Would this be O.K.
Or would I have to paint the base colour then put the pearl flames then just cover with clear???

Any help would be appreciated.


DubCrazy - July 31st, 2003 at 10:58 PM

ok you will have to paint the base coat first.. then leave it for a few hours(depends on what paint you are useing to how long,just as long as it is dryed enuf) then you will have to mask off the flames you want and cover the rest of you car/bus you then lay down you pearl,not to heavy more of a dust coat . you will want to do that in all directions to give you an even coat.if you want to give it a shadow you mask up a very small line on the outside edge of your yellow pearl . it gives you a shadow affect just on the outside of your main flames but as it is a small line it does not show up much and take anything away from the main affect(yellow pearl).. when all that is done you just apply your clear coats as you would with any base coat. hope this is of some help to u... laters.......

Herbie - August 1st, 2003 at 01:27 AM

We did all the door jams and under bonnet, inside doors etc first then the front of the car with the effect, thats the silver with the candy violet progresively heavier toward the front and then topped that with clear to give us a buffer level in case we made any mistakes we didnt stuff up the candy work, then let it dry for a day and then blocked it back with 1000 grit to make it dead flat and key the flames, we did this very carefully so we didnt go through the clear coat.
next day we drove to a spray booth about 7 klms away from my house
then masked out the front of the van with the flame patern cut in a low tack adhesive film and leveled it with a squeegie, carefully prep washed the car and then sprayed the normal purple over the rest of the van, let it settle for half an hour or so and the took the airbrush to the outer edge of the flame mask with a clear tinted with some black using a peice of flat card to keep it tidy and neat, {less clumsy shadows } once all the Airbrushing was done, about an hour and a half we removed the flame decal and re prepwashed and then did the final clear coats with retarder thinners, {All Acrylic paint} let it set for a few hours and then drove it home from the spray booth with no side windows, bumpers or grill or any trim,
Since then some asshole egged the Van and the sulpur in the egg ate a big stain in the paint down the side, Dont you love assholes, what do they gain with malicious damage?
Any way I just mentioned the process as it involves only masking once because it works kind of backwards from painting flames on top.
Cheers Tony.

57kombi - August 3rd, 2003 at 05:47 PM

anyone got any pics of ghost flames.
In yellow if possible


bugboymatt - August 3rd, 2003 at 08:16 PM

I still looking for ghost flames on a white car !!!

BenettonVW - August 6th, 2003 at 09:10 PM

Ghost flames..

This is the real deal.

Da Wiz - August 6th, 2003 at 11:21 PM

MY GOD ... that is the sexiest thing I have ever seen ... It took me several moments to stop drooling and a few more to clean up the mess ;)

That is sh!thot!!!! That is the best paint job i have ever seen ... ever !


koolkarmakombi - August 7th, 2003 at 04:23 PM

aaaah c'mon da wiz, tell me what you REALLY think ;)

That does look soooo cool.

57kombi - August 8th, 2003 at 02:04 PM

Thats what im after Jim.

I am thinking it would look cool on the 57, Will post pics when I get to the paint job, should be about 3 months away.


moonlite6t6beetle - September 10th, 2003 at 06:29 PM

if you can spay paint wiht candy it comes in handy as candy paint is a paint in which the more colors you add on that darker the shade becomes, yet the paint is very difficult to spray