Has anyone extended there guards I have the normal guards on the 69 beetle and would like to add extra 2 inches to fit bigger tyres. I looked at the
Aeroguards they seem to crack( the paint due to stress fractures) on the surface after some time any suggestions?
Yes - you can widen steel guards by cutting and welding
A lot of work and would be expensive if you cant weld
Never heard of Areos cracking due to stress.
Maybe some other cheap glass guard - but not Aeros
I had 25mm added to mine many years ago. They cut off the inside lip and out around the bumper bracket and the running board hole, and added in a
I have not known anyone to pick the extra width without being told - biggest give-away in the larger gap between the blinker & the bonnet.
My Son had them on His beetle for about 15 + years
No cracks.. He painted them but He's a spray painter..
they are VERY thick fiberglass..
I have seen very thin fiberglass guards too..
and Yes they do flex and crack the paint..
and as Jeff says, You can weld in strips from another guard to widen them.. easy if you can do it..
expensive if You can't..
I didn't know Yours were widened Jeff..
and I do usually look at the distance between the blinker and bonnet.. lol