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hard oil line pipe bending
alansvw - April 20th, 2014 at 05:21 PM

I'm wanting to run hard oil lines between my two front coolers , Went out to Earls thinking they would have the gear but no luck, only work with braided lines and the fittings. I need right angle joiners for the coolers and two T pieces, so after someone who can bend oil line pipes and supply fittings /.
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vwo60 - April 20th, 2014 at 06:09 PM

I run hard lines inside the car in 5/8 hydraulic tube, then silvered soldered JIC nipples to the ends, this will allow you to use the braided hose fittings to join it all up, as for the coolers you will need to remove the fittings to determine with thread it is, could be a A.N parallel thread, you can get 90 degree A.N male to male adaptor that you can use form Earles, use the hydraulic tube to connect the oil coolers with flared ends to suit , I run dash 10 for this length of line but have used dash 8 for the same job, are you going to plumb them in series or parallel, if you run them in series it would require less fittings and would be a neater job. I also suggest it could be more efficient if run in series..