Hi there everbody!
I am a proud owner of a 1975 Kombi.
I am looking at mid mounting (motor and g/box to sit were the middle rear seat is) a 5.0lt V8 with auto g/box into my bus. The Custom shop guys see no
mechanical or mounting problems, except having to use a 'special' diff to accomodate the rear irs.
I have some concerns/questions that hopefully you dubbers can answer or point me in the right direction.
1. I notice in the mod forum every custom engine is mounted behind the rear axle, simply replacing the original motor. Is mid mounting a bad way to
go? I realise losing some room and the middle rear seat is going to happen but I can live with that.
2. I have concerns about the handling of the bus with all these extra ponies at the rear wheels. Are there suspension kits available to beef up the
handling or are there lowering conversions available?
3. Do you dubbers think my standard front disc and rear drum brakes are going to be sufficent, if not what can I do to improve braking?
4. The 5.0lt V8 will have Aircon on board and I want to utilise this into the existing vent system, Do I have to mount the 'cooling box' into the
dash or can I mount it under the body and just run the cold air along the existing 'hot air' pipe under the bus.
Thanks all for your help
Call CBB in Penrith, Sydney, Mike's done it before. Can't see why you'd mid mount it personally, it's a truck afterall. They go just as well in
the factory possy. Besides a midmount motor takes up a whole lot of room you could use for seats and stuff.
But it's your car.
Just do me a favour, don't put a freakin poptop in it
Sorry it's just one of my hobby horses :P