i heard a rumor that by changing the fan to a 40hp type one can decrease fan noise. anyone know if this is true and how much is involved in the operation? thanks rob.
I had a 40hp fan in my 36hp Okrasa motor back in '69 and it used to whistle at high revs, I was told this was common. So don't know about reducing
Just bolt in a 40hp genny and fan assembly.
[ Edited on 10-5-2006 by Desert Bug ]
yeah as he said or just turn the wireless up..
But the 36hp fan noise is so cool!!:o
i had it done to my 55 in 65 and I can still hear
easy job
dont bend the blade 36 mm socket needed i think
bets loosen the back nut first while all else is still intact..
jam as much sound insulation into the cavities of the body on either side of the rear windscreen - TONS of noise gets transmitted thru there. trust me. I did it, and it easily cut 1/4 of the noise out.