I have just made a conversion using RX7 disks , hubs ,& 4 pot calipers
and it looks very cool !
photos to follow
Sounds good Neil
Now going back to VW PCD because I don't wish to run these wheels anymore
[ Edited on 10-10-2006 by VWCOOL ]
They look shit that why
get some nice looking rims and spend you $
Yeah, the do look rough, but they're cheap!
Getting some V-Force rims, I reckon. You are about to discover there's FA available in Ford stud pattern that suits a VW offset!
your looking in the wrong spot
look in the Mazda wreckers
yes + I have a cut down beam
Pics yet ?
soon as my spindels arrive mate
any picks as i still have the whole brake assembly from the half cut after doing the engine change would be very interested to see how (plus the rear one day)
ill be interested wat cost and are there any mods to spindles etc
when you big front brakes ,how big.