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larger valves in a 2.0lt head
dlwrede - March 29th, 2008 at 03:37 PM

Hey guys,

it is sounding like I may have a stretched valve or dropped seat in my 2.0lt 79 bus. The number 3 cylinder keeps getting hot and the tappet goes tight. If I have the dreaded dropped seat syndrome and are up for a new set of heads then is this a good time to increase the valve size to that of the 1.8lt (41 intake & 34 exhaust) as in the future we plan on changing the cam to a slightly hotter hydraulic cam.

Does this sound like a good move or does anyone have any feedback on this or a better valve/head combo's?

cheers Derek & Lee

MickH - March 30th, 2008 at 09:55 AM

Just get 1800 heads.

11CAB - March 30th, 2008 at 10:58 AM

Only problem you might have is if the heads you have are running square ports. The aircooled engines in the square T25/3 Kombis had squarish exhaust ports which means your exhaust wont fit the earlier 1800 heads......

Not sure if your 79 heads have these square ports

dlwrede - March 31st, 2008 at 10:49 AM

Is there a easy way of telling if the exhaust port is square? can you tell by looking at the manifold?

Does anyone have an idea on cost for replacing heads and perhaps a set of rings while the heads are off?

Is there anything else that would be crazy not to refresh while undergoing the knife?

