What pressure should i be getting in kg/cm from a stock 1.6 with 15w40 and no external filter or cooler. The sender is in the stock position.
as a base guideline at full temp there should be 10 psi for every 1000rpm
but a healthy motor should have a bit more than that though
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Okay, ive only just done the oil so yeah if its too low i wil go thicker
Lee, GTX2 is 20/50
depends on engine health most vws are happy on 20/50
i run nearly all my old ones on it but my 1776 beign a fresh new engine i run it on 10/30 all year round as that gives the best oil pressure and
temps, anything thicker it ran too much oil pressure and ran high temps cos the excess presure was bypassing the cooler
u still have the idiot light sender in place as well josh?
if not get a Tee peice and put it back in
dont rely on pressure gauges only
Hi Joel,
I was going to use Castrol Magnatech 15W/40 as I have always used it in My Lancers but Castrol recommended GTX2..
otherwise i would be running Magnatech in My beetle engine.
its only done about 10,000kms since it was rebuilt..
I did use it the first time... only..
Yes, with the way the oil flows in the beetle engines with the oil pressure relief valve... [mine is a H0 engine 1500]
I know thinner oil may be better and cool better/faster but when you see how thin , thin oil is when its hot... YIKES...
probably making the oil pump work harder???
What brand of 10w/30 do you use Joel?
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i use pennzoil in the 1776 as its a fresh build with a new case etc it still runs high pressure even when hot
but the older ones i just run 20/50 castrol GTX in them
i dont think magnatec is much use in an aircooled vw given how much of them is actually magnetic
plus being horizontally opposed the oil circulates pretty quick unlike in an OHC inline engine
anyone used that air cooled oil?
I got a bonus 2.5 litres of it from warwick. (mick got it with his trophy.. yeah, get the guy with an ej20 air cooled oil...)
Hi, the factory manual states that a stock 1600 at 2500 RPM with the oil temp at 70 degrees C using 30 weight oil is 28 PSI ( approx 200 KPA ) at idle 7 PSI ( 50 KPA ), this is what my 1775 runs, my other car with a blue printed 30mm pump, front mounted oil cooler, thermostat and running 16 mm steel tube to the front of the car is as follows, at 3000 RPM with the oil at 85 degrees C using penrirte HPR 30 it has 60 PSI ( aprox 400 KPA ) idle 20 PSI ( approx 130 KPA ) these are all measured at the main oil gallery using a calibrated gauge