I am reading through our off road bible:
(BAJA BUGS & BUGGIES by Jeff Hibbard) 75-76.
If you don't have the book....GET IT ! 100% recommended !!!
I am looking at the gussets on the rear cast shock towers !
It explains that it strengthens the lower spring plate supports on the inside of the towers by adding 1/8 inch steal plate ! and it also mentions to
add an additional 2 gussets to strengthen the tower !
Now I can see the logic behind this but my question to anyone out there is:
1. Has anyone done these mods ???
2. Has anyone got a TRUE story to tell about damage to this Tower
I am going through some offroad mods at the moment and just want some convincing as to why I should add this weight !
PLEASE the more stories and PICS the better !
Thanks - James - manxdune
Where do i get the book?
Haven't done the mods but seriously considering them as the torsion bar brackets on the outside, where the springplates attach, have got cracks at the bottom and will need welding, so i'm thinking overengineering sounds good. Question will these brackets weld ok?
I recommend it for an offroader, as they often pound the lower stop. A bad thing as the increase in travel hurts other components, axles, cv's or
diff side gears depending on swing or irs.
Here's one I repaired a while ago, pics are bad quality from a phone camera.
The third pic shows how you can support the shock tower and trans forks by having the cage/roll bar tie it all together. The lower triangulation picks
up the pan, torsion housing, shock tower, fire wall and rear of the frame horns. Keeps things where they're supposed to be.