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EJ22 Flywheel required
psimitar - January 2nd, 2017 at 10:29 PM

Hello all,

I was just wondering if anyone that's bolted and EJ engine to a VW gearbox has the subaru flaywheel still laying around.

I believe the conversion kits for Subie to VW use a custom flywheel and as I'm using a subiegears box then I just need the flywheel from an EJ engine.

When I bought my EJ it came without the flywheel. Dunno why but the engine was cheap and has checked out as fine.

So yea, if anyone has a subie EJ flywheel knocking around that they don't need then I could be game for it :)

I'm in Melbourne and hence as the flywheel is fairly heavy it may or may not be worth while posting. We shall see as I don't know how much one weighs.

Just PM me if you can help.

North East Melbourne