I know this is not a classified section....
But, since it is for the conversion crowd would it be appropriate to advertise here?
Just want to know the rules B4 I jump in!
I have advertized it in the 4 sale section some time back, didn't get one takeup! A little too specialised I guess!
wouldn't bother me as long as it's not standard stuff and would suit the section, eg: conversiion gear etc
Cool.....I'll do it as soon as i have some picks to post!
So are you going to tell us what this misterious item is???
Complete bolt on set-up to get a golf or audi engine into a bus or any car with a 091 or later transaxle.
Bellhousing, FW, Clutch kit, mounts, bolts, sump for golf...everything!
Looking for about a grand for it, plus delivery. I here they worth about 1500 clams, so a grand seems fair!
I'm sure only a few maybe interested in this, but would make fitting just about any engine (V8's down to any inline Jap engine a snap) into a bus a
I also have access to a loads of HiPo 8v Golf stuff too if anyone is into it?
Humpty , Place a add for the cam you had at the swapmet some one asked me for one like that ?
cool....cheers, neil.