I have a 72 Kombi that I'ld just love to drop a V8 into. Any info on conversions, adaptors, engineers etc. in Perth. If one is for sale in Perth I'ld be very interested if the money is right. If it needs work or finishing off, thats cool as well. Cheers.
can sell you a v6 powered '73 if you're interested.
mmm v8 toyota coming soon !
The a Baja Bus twincab here in QLD with the Lexus V8 in the back, it was at Dubs by the Pub
Yes, hmmmm 4ltr, Quad Cam, 190Kw 1uzfe Transporter.....
Doh....Only a couple of years too late.... A Perth built Leyland powered Bay was sold to some dude in Sydney! I think Doug Sweetman built it...I think
he can be contacted through the VW Club of WA. As for conversion info...All you need to know can be found here in our handy links at the top of this
forum section.... A number of firms make adapters of various qualities at various prices. The rest it up to your own skills and cheque book!
Bst of luck!