How about this in ya 61 splitty, a 1961 ferrari flat 8.
coz when 8 cylinders is not enough, you 12 of Marinello's best.:thumb
[Edited on 23/6/2005 by pete wood]
For all the subaru junkies. 3000cc, 600hp and 12 cylinders of symetrical magic. Apparently it was too heavy for formula 3000. I'm sure we could find
a good home for it.
Or just to be truly silly, the most complex engine ever raced in F1 - 1967 BRM H16 - 3liter, 600hp (if you could keep it running) and 64 valves !
any one got a photo of a 914 / 8 porsche engine ?
yep, but i ain't got a scanner
google search it!