Has anyone used a turbo on a EJ22? I'm in the middle of my swap in a 73 Super now. I have a Shelby Daytona turbo sitting on the shelf and figured, I
have to weld up a exhaust anyway. Might as well use the turbo too. Only 7 psi and I could lower the waste gate pressure. Sorry, Can't convert to
metric. Will the stock ece compensate for this and will the engine withstand this small amount of boost?
Try it and see! I doubt the ECU will cope...
I don't know the answer, and hope that is helpful
Make sure you don't lean out the mixture, put a sensor on it before winding it up more than 5pds I'd reckon. Apparently, you can do a boost switched
extra injector after the throttle body. That'd be the way to go. I wanna do it to my EJ25, but it's already to large for it to be legal capacity
wise in Oz.
I read about aguy who put a supercharger of of a Thunderbird Super coupe on a 3.0 mitsubishi from a Chrysler. The stock comp didn't handle it so he
rigged up a vacume operated fuel regulator. Apparently while boost climbed it squeezed the fuel pressure toforce more fuel through the injectors and
"fool" the computor. Says the only problem was running a little rich on full boost. It had a good many miles on it too. I'm curious if the stock
motor will handle it?
he's talking about a rising rate pressure regulator. Yes you can do that, but if it stops working the motor is toast in seconds. An extra injector is a much better idea.