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EJ 22 Turbo
Mxman70 - July 23rd, 2005 at 04:05 PM

Has anyone used a turbo on a EJ22? I'm in the middle of my swap in a 73 Super now. I have a Shelby Daytona turbo sitting on the shelf and figured, I have to weld up a exhaust anyway. Might as well use the turbo too. Only 7 psi and I could lower the waste gate pressure. Sorry, Can't convert to metric. Will the stock ece compensate for this and will the engine withstand this small amount of boost?

VWCOOL - July 23rd, 2005 at 04:57 PM

Try it and see! I doubt the ECU will cope...

helbus - July 23rd, 2005 at 05:05 PM

I don't know the answer, and hope that is helpful

pete wood - July 26th, 2005 at 09:23 PM

Make sure you don't lean out the mixture, put a sensor on it before winding it up more than 5pds I'd reckon. Apparently, you can do a boost switched extra injector after the throttle body. That'd be the way to go. I wanna do it to my EJ25, but it's already to large for it to be legal capacity wise in Oz. :(

Mxman70 - July 26th, 2005 at 10:32 PM

I read about aguy who put a supercharger of of a Thunderbird Super coupe on a 3.0 mitsubishi from a Chrysler. The stock comp didn't handle it so he rigged up a vacume operated fuel regulator. Apparently while boost climbed it squeezed the fuel pressure toforce more fuel through the injectors and "fool" the computor. Says the only problem was running a little rich on full boost. It had a good many miles on it too. I'm curious if the stock motor will handle it?

pete wood - July 27th, 2005 at 05:41 PM

he's talking about a rising rate pressure regulator. Yes you can do that, but if it stops working the motor is toast in seconds. An extra injector is a much better idea.