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Alternator wiring Q
rubyred - August 11th, 2005 at 10:21 AM

can someone enlighten me on how to wire the suby alternator found in the ej20 into my previously generator car?

the suby alternator has 5 wires.
-a small black one
-a small yellow one
-a big white one
-2 bigger white ones.

any help greatly appreciated.

VWCOOL - August 11th, 2005 at 10:29 AM

I asked similar recently... 

rubyred - August 11th, 2005 at 10:58 AM

wow, i wonder how that post slipped by me, i check this forum almost daily.:P


so there is a 2 wire post, and then the big wire with 2 small wires.

the 2 wire post goes to the big power wire, and i remove my regulator.

one of the small wires goes to a 12v source, and one is the sensor light?

im assuming the other single big white wire that is on the same post as the small wires is a ground.


ratbug - August 11th, 2005 at 08:44 PM

Nah the three white wires all join together. Simply join them together, and run them to the battery. Also it'd be a good idea to put say a 90A fuse in there as well close to the battery. i have the black/white wire going to my alternator light in the dash, dont have a yellow one, but its possibly +12 permanent, or +12v ignition.

rubyred - August 12th, 2005 at 04:08 PM

alright thanks, i put my multimeter up to the 3 white wires, 2 are connected, but the 3rd one isnt. but ill hook all 3 up to the battery. thanks