Hey guys,
New to these forums but I've been around others for a while. I'm currently working on getting an EJ22 into the back of a '70 beetle. Anyways, I
also own a Subaru Liberty RS Turbo as a daily driver, and am active in the Subaru clubs.
I thought a link to http://www.rslibertyclub.org would be useful to a lot of you
(sorry if it's been posted before). It's an aussie club with 4500 members. It's an EXCELLENT source for any subaru parts / engines you need,
EJ20T's, EJ22, and all associated bits and peices... Just post up a 'Wanted' ad for what you need
are they cams affiliated?
would they be up for suby powered dubs in the club?
I'm looking for a CAMS affiliated club. Non of the VW ones seem to be.
And thanx for the link.
Not Cams affiliated unfortunatly Not a problem being a member with a dub
though, Buggy Brad etc are already on there as are others
nn[ Edited on12-8-2005 by PD_RS-RA ]
:thumbWelcome m8,nice to see you have started on the right foot SUBIE dubb power:vaderJVLRacing:P