hey guys, wat sort o price should i expect to pay for a ea81 supplied and fitted with exhaust and radator.....
have been quoted roughly 2500 with everything roll in drive out
good price or not???
Is there any history of the engine (ie kms etc). Is there a warranty with the work etc? Does it include engineering and paperwork? If so this seems like a very good deal.
not sure bout warranty, should be tho, but yes it will have engeneeiring and paperwork... i think engine is pushing about 80000km
That's very cheap. Maybe a bit too cheap? Is the shop reputable?
My brother installed an ea81 into a Kombi last year by himself and it cost him $700 + the price of the engine. The hardest thing he found was the cooling for the radiator. What's the engine going into and have you thought about where the radiator will be positioned?
into a 1960 bug, radiator in front spare whell well.... any where else you can put it????
they guy builds aero motors for gyros
it just means i dont have the hassle of doing the conversion myself..
you can also run two little radiators. one under each rear guard..less plumbing to be done.
ian swinkles runs this setup and has had great success with it i believe.
good price, mine cost me about $1300 (including engine) but i did it all myself
how do you go abut fitting a radiator abve the gearbox??? it has to cum out anyways.... old split case....
unless it's an absolute impossibility (and it isn't), PUT THE RADIATOR UP THE FRONT. It is the best place to feed cold, clean air into it. If I had
my time again that's what I would do. I have effective rear mount system, but that's on a buggy with lots of room round the back and it doesn't
look nearly was neat as a front mount. In a beetle, front mount is the best and it can be done easily. The only down side is you loose you spare, but
that's ok. Just carry 'tyre in a can' and you'll be fine.
nn[ Edited on 22-8-2005 by pete wood ]
do you need to run a scoop.... because i dont want to louvre te bonnet at all..... only that panel below it...... was going to run thermo fans
you will want to scoop the air up from under the fron tof the car, but you don't need to louvre the bonnet.
Check this thread,