EDITED - 18 Feb 2014
A new national code of practice for light vehicle modification is basically here. On the 1st of January 2011 Version 2.0 of the NCOP (VSB 14) was
In the preface of the new code it says;
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for the QLD offroad boys, vw body lift kits can now be approved with a mod code rather than having to get approval from Queensland Transport
"Bodies can be lifted up to 50mm using spacer blocks on the chassis mounts and can be approved under Codes LS3 & LS4 and LS5 & LS6."
Hi Wes
Thats better than before. Still cant run a 2.5 WRX in my 1303 though,
870 x 4 = 3480 cc NA or 870 x 2.75 = 2392.5 cc Forced induction.
What do late Type 3s weigh? Over 1100 Kgs?
1100 x 5 = 5500cc NA or 1100 x 2.75 = 3025 cc Forced induction.
Hope its introduced.
Hmmm....interesting reading (I'm being serious)....pity the maximum allowable tyre width still restricts us VW owners significantly. See quote
Tyres fitted to passenger cars or passenger car derivatives must not be more than 30% wider than vehicle manufacturer’s widest optional tyre.
The rim width must not exceed the recommendations for the tyre fitted.
For example, if the original widest optional tyre is 185mm, the maximum tyre width is 1.3 times 185mm = 240.5mm, i.e. a 235mm wide tyre. The maximum
rim width for a 235mm tyre is 9 inches if the aspect ratio is 60 or below.
Therefore for a VW beetle, with a 155 maximum tyre size as standard, a 195 tyre is the max....if you say 165 tyres were used, a 205 tyre is maximum.
I just read the same thing, imagine having all the power that they allow, going through such skinny wheels & tyres. Still its only in draft form.
[ Edited on 27-10-2005 by 1303Steve ]
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Kombi's are classed as commercial vehicles..
Well i'm in shock this is so cool! According to this my car is actually legal with the 2332 turbo and my 205 wide tyres. Shame tho as Dasdubber said cause I wasn planning on turning them into smoke and upgrading to 225's.
As the site asked for comments I sent the following question to the NSW representive, no response yet.
I have just been reading through the Draft National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction and Modification (NCOP). As I’m already building
a modified car that I will be submitted some time next year, I found that the allowed wheel size increases were very small.
The vehicle I’m building is a 1972 Beetle which had an optional size rim of 5.5 inches, with the draft as it stands now I would only be able to run
a 7.15 inch wheel.
The regulations that are in place now allow vehicles, which were not built to comply with ADR 24 (pre 1973) to have the wheel width worked out on a
finished weight basis. My finished car will weigh just over 1000 kgs so it will be able run an 8-inch wheel under the present regulations.
Do you see this area of the draft regulation changing?
Thanks very much for your time in reading my email and the work your doing on this new legislation, regards Steve Carter.
My 1969 IRS Notch weighed in at 960kgs with the turbo Liberty conversion. The inspectors said that that was close to original weight.
And they wanted me to keep the 165 tyres on standard rims.
Obviously the inspectors didnt take it for a spin when I asked . But they passed it no probs.
Interstingly with the new regs. I could fit a 2.5 turbo now.
Would be intersting on 165 recaps!
great, i might even be able to legalise my V8 baywindow!!!!!!!!!!
i could even put a 7.7L big block in there and have it legal if it was installed correctly hahaha
last time if you had your car registered with a engineer they gave 2 years grace to get your car finnished.I,m using the later pan under the oval body
to cover the weight multiplier different front & rear to cover wheel size issues.
What happened when the car past the brake test you could use any size motor .
well im still slotting the 13bt side fed pp with a large shot of laughing gas into my manx and its gonna be legal
Who knows off hand what a 69 stock beetle weighs? I'm hoping i can still slot that 13BTT in her one day.
700-800 kgs without looking it up
I'm pretty sure a 1500 bug weighs about 820 kg.
I'm not sure where you are but the new laws are still not in affect in NSW.
Under the old NSW law it was 2.5 X (your cars factory weight for forced induction) So 2.5 x 820 = 2050 cc A 13B Turbo is rated at 2600 cc, so its out
for you car.
Under the new laws its 2.75 x 820 = 2255 cc so still no go.
The old rules for non turbo motors is 3 x 820 = 2460 cc Maybe go 12A non turbo?
Under the new laws you can go 4 x (your cars factory weight) non turbo which is 3280 cc, some very interesting possibilities open up now.
I've just been reading the suspension section. The wheel and tyre area looks more lenient tah old NSW regs.
I will take my 1303 as an example.
Stock radial tyre on a 1303 is 155. They then multiply it 1.3. So 155 x 1.3= 201.5, so if you run below 60 series tyres you can run 7.5 wide
Optional tyre on sports wheels for a 1303 is 175. So 175 x 1.3 = 227.5 So that means I can run 8.5/9. inch wheels.
I'm liking these new regulations already, with wider wheels allowed and bigger engine sizes as mentioned in my previous post.
I in Tasmania, now these new rules;
If what i understand is correct these are without being engineered aren´t they?
What would I have to do to get it engineered? Would i be able to do it even with strengthening stuff and better stopping gear?
These new rules apply as to what an engineer can pass. I have no experience with Tassie modified car rules, it would be best to talk to your local
rule makers or an approved engineer.
finally .....well hopfully some good news for qld i might even see a 13b bridgy in one of my projects yet series 5 here we go ...........................
Does anyone know if it will be legal to have air-bag suspension in QLD after these laws are introduced,they wont let you do it at all at the moment.
I've updated the original post with some recent proposed changes that will be worse for us VW people when it comes to engine size.
Hey Guys,
I have a 1974 super looking to put a 2ltr STI engine into it I also have a set of 17" turbo twist rims will this pass in QLD? any help would be great
if you lie about the weight of the car like others on here have done then maybe
Last car I had engineered had to have a pre-modification weighbridge ticket, and a finished weighbridge ticket. The weighbridge has front and rear
axle and total weight.
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Version 2.0 of the NCOP has been released. I have updated the first post.
thanks wes.. interesting reading there
I just spent a little time reading and attempting to interpret these laws.....man I feel for you guys. If I had to jump through this many hoops to get my project approved for street use I wouldn't bother to start. On a positive note, you most likely end up with a safer-to-drive car than most of the projects we build here in the States.
A current wild project I am working on has my Engineer referring to all of the engine size, weight and suspension dynamics relating to VSB14. If they pass the guidelines, then he is accepting them. This is in Victoria under the VASS scheme.
i just wish a lot of the BS we have to go through would be dropped. Seriously are there any stricter countries?
If I had the funding and actually thought that for once the authorities weren't petty minded sadists I'd love to get one of those Red9 double
wishbone bus beams. But seeing ...who was it? going through so many hoops to get the drop spindles for their beetle approved I figured that anything
remotely interesting is a lost cause.
By the way has anyone noticed in the VSI2 the requirement for a working heater? I think it even had aircooled vehicles in brackets for the example.
Someone seems to have it in for converted VWs. This is a pain because my bay hasn't had a remotely complete heating system since it was converted to
a camper probably shortly after manufacture.