Looking through the about of gear jaycar has on the net , what have you made up & your thought on it
I made the pulse unit for my subaru conversion , works a treat !
got a kit to go on mine but haven't got round to making it yet.
It's years since I built a kit but I know Jaycar has heaps of stuff for cars - thanks, in a lot of cases, to auto tech writer Julian Edgar who helps develop the kits
i had the high energy ignition module on one of my bugs. wasnt too bad. but i think ill get the other back on the road before i start doing things like that again. hey pete if you need some one to put it together for you im on holidays now till th 27th and then only working every third day so i could do it if you want since im an electronics tech
Built a TAI electronic ignition for my old Ford Capri about 15 years ago.
Its still runing faultlessly.
i got the universal hei, built it, put in some extended tip spark plugs (do this at your own risk), and the car went so well that i decided to install it later. later hasn't come yet.
I used this battery operated air intake sensor, about $40.00 from Jaycar.
HEI + Programmable Ignition with a Mitsu Magna Distributor. Ran very smooth. Though Bosch 716 coil clapped out and I haven't had time to diagnose the
Jaycar stuff:
1. Remote central locking
2. Alarm and immobiliser
3. Reverse warning alarm
4.(real soon now) Speed alarm
1. HEI ignition
2. Digital dashboard
I've bought and constructed the speedo corrector kit, KC5380, but am yet to install it.
Have you installed the speedo corrector kit yet?
I had mine built by an electrical engineer who builds vending machine circuit boards, and recently got around to installing it, but it does work! So I
got another electrical engineer to look at it and he reckons everything looks fine, but the IC chip mustn't be working. So I took it back to Jaycar
and they shugged their shoulders and said "what do you want us to do". They said there is no warranty on kits.
I said "but there is a warranty on parts, so if I have built it right, and you can't tell me what is wrong, then you should supply a replacement
chip unless you can prove it's not faulty"
So at the moment they have emailed Melbourne where the kits come from and have asked what to do.
With this kit you need to know what type of VSS signal you are going to feed it then you set the circuit for that i/p by fitting or not fitting one of
two 1k ohm resistors and then setting the respective jumpers, per the instructions.
For example,
the Mazda RX-7 VSS is an AC voltage producing sensor of up to 5V, so you would not fit R1 or R2; LK1 & LK 3 are fitted at 'Y' .
the Subaru sensor simply connects the signal pin to ground, so you'd install LK 1 at 'Y'; install R1 and LK3 at 'X'.
Has that been done correctly? If so then your elec eng friend should be able to test it on the bench with a signal generator and an oscilloscope.
[ Edited on 24-1-2006 by Jenny ]
I followed the instructions and my VSS is AC and reads 0 when set to DC. It is the first one on the table, and therefore I leave out R1 and R2, and set both jumpers to "Y". Yep, did all that. Still nothing.
Have you fitted LK2?
Has your elec eng friend tested it on the bench with a signal generator and an oscilloscope?
[ Edited on 24-1-2006 by Jenny ]
Yes (I think). They checked the circuit in the store and said everything looked fine.
and No (Jaycar Aspley were too lazy to pull theirs out to test it).
Jaycar (NSW) response is currently "If you like you can send the PIC to me and I will program it again to confirm it is ok. Alternatively, you can
purchase a replacement for $15.00."
They warrant parts and legally I am entitled to an exchange PIC so I won't be paying the $15. I am wondering if I should really have to pay to send
it to NSW. Theoretically I'd walk into a Jaycar shop and they'd just exchange the thing.
Testing with a a signal generator and an oscilloscope would be good so I knew exactly whose problem it is, but I don't have either of those.