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Subaru EA motors
sinecure - July 20th, 2006 at 07:41 AM

Does anyone know if the EA71 twin carb manifolds etc fit the EA81?



baybuscamperkid - July 20th, 2006 at 10:31 AM

one way to find out, ship em down to me and I'll 'test' them for you :smilegrin: :D :D

sinecure - July 21st, 2006 at 12:45 AM

SirDelton on here has a kitcar fitted with an EA71 twin carb, but is transplanting an EJ series motor. He has re-built the twins, and I was going to see if he wanted to sell them to me if they fit my EA81 powered kit.

I guess I should just try them out. Hope they do, not so much for the potential extra power, more for the skite factor!:thumb

baybuscamperkid - July 21st, 2006 at 10:09 AM

from memory there were very few differences between the ea71 and ea81 engines, they were really just different capacities of the same engine (i had a 71 in my bus when i bought it so i did a bit of reading) i think maybe a longer stroke and a larger disk where the flywheel bolted on, so theres a good chance of it fitting. good luck with it, i would love a twin carb system on my ea81!

baybuscamperkid - July 21st, 2006 at 10:11 AM

from what Ive read the twin carb 's' model ea81s put out 120hp so will be a mean little beasty if it works :cool:

sinecure - July 21st, 2006 at 08:08 PM

HS! I think it ouputs around 80-90 at the moment. It's scary to drive like it is.

GeorgeL - July 22nd, 2006 at 07:49 AM

Originally posted by baybuscamperkid
from memory there were very few differences between the ea71 and ea81 engines, they were really just different capacities of the same engine (i had a 71 in my bus when i bought it so i did a bit of reading) i think maybe a longer stroke and a larger disk where the flywheel bolted on, so theres a good chance of it fitting. good luck with it, i would love a twin carb system on my ea81!

IIRC, the big difference was that the EA71 was a wet sleeve engine and the EA81 was a dry sleeve engine. Years ago I had a GF that had a EA71 subaru and I tried multiple times to get those stupid sleeves to seal. Oil in the water, water in the oil. After several attempts, a Subaru mechanic said, forget that, just drop in a EA81 and your problems will be over. I did and they were.


pete wood - July 22nd, 2006 at 11:01 AM

Originally posted by sinecure
HS! I think it ouputs around 80-90 at the moment. It's scary to drive like it is.

a few years back I went to SSS automotive here in Sydney and the owner had a little open wheeler outside. At first I thought it was a formula Vee, but then I noticed it was water cooled. Apparently they had a whole class for them in Japan using subaru pushrod motors. I think it was twin carbed. The owner said it was amazing. He'd rev it til it's valve bounce. Said he couldn't break it and it was scary fast.
Maybe they had those rare...dare I say it...120hp engines you're talking about.

sinecure - July 24th, 2006 at 04:32 PM

My Sabre's definitely not a racer, as it tares at 1300kg, but it goes along quite well with what it's got, and the handling is awesome with the very low COG.