I'm seriously considering moving my rad to the front of my buggy. Just did some measuring and it all fits.
Who makes the filling tanks with the overflow style lid and all?
How much are they?
Also, is it ok to have the fan shroud and fans in front of the rad? I've seen it in a few race cars. would it work ok on a road car?
On my old yellow bug with the Wasserboxer I used the stock bottle, you can see it this picture.
The front mount would help a bit with distribution.
I think I am a bit confused. When you say the stock bottle, does that mean that you have the bottle as the rear filling point?
I can see the overflow bottle, is the round one in the back the filling bottle?
Hi Peter
The one in the middle with the radiator cap is the fill point, the other one on the left is an early Passat overflow bottle.
Seagul made some nice looking ones for Paul & Jaks cars.
cool, love a production component. I've have to have a look at the wreckers.
i made my overflow tank out of 100mm copper piping it holds arounnd 600ml looks good painted and with a bib polished cap on top i can send you a few pics if you like pretty simple design and pretty compact
thanks mate, got an overflow bottle already.
Steve, when you say help with the distribution, did you mean heat or weight?
I hoping moving the rad will cure all my freeway heat problems and help weight distribution a bit too. It means I can get rid of the bonnet off the
back, trim the rear cage a bit and have somewhere to carry tyres when I go to racing event or out for a long trip too.
I'm thinking about moving the battery forward too, and maybe even changing over to an Lbug box. The kombi box is good for big tyres and climbing but
the motor has plenty of torque and the Lbug has better ratios for racing....and cheaper than a 2l box.
DO you know if an 1800 (215mm) clutch will fit into an Lbug belhousing?
Hi Peter
I meant distribution, front 2 rear. You may also look into moving the L bug box forward as far as you can, this will also help
I had a 215 pressure plate in my L bug box, it did need a very slight lick to clear the bell housing, from memory it was one of the rivets that
Hi Pete,
You will definately need some sort of burp tank in the engine bay. I originally plumbed the radiator straight to the engine on my bus and had trouble
getting the system bled properly, and with air occasionally accumulating in the high point resulting in a hydraulically locked system - No flow.
I now have a ~1L COR tank with radiator cap and no issues.
just talked to some guys this morning. apparently EL falcons and late barinas have a fill tank and no radiator cap, So i'll be looking at them too.