I need help. I have a 1997 Subaru 2.0 twin turbo engine. I need the ecu pinout so I can finish the wiring harness. It seems I have one unlike most.
A link to photos. http://photobucket.com/albums/y257/smoky-joe/56%20Oval/
Any help would be appreciated.
Try a post in the tech section on rexnet (also archives)when I had a wrx I was astounded at the stuff you could get links too , a bit of a longshot--- but---also try MRT.com.au and the liberty site would be worth a burl as well .
Also try http://www.rslibertyclub.org/forums/index.php lots of good tech help there.
Thanks guys I will give it a try.
I got a reply back from a couple guys on the rslibertyclub site. One has the pinout and says he will send it along. Thanks guys. I will let you
here's an ECU pinout for the '97 and '98 JDM EJ20TT engines
I have this pinout as well. I hope this link works:
that is the same pinout I have but couldn't post my PDF file on here. (posted this in a reply a while back but apparently it dindn't show up on the forum)
I got my harness for enginewiring.com on Friday. We never found the proper pinout. But he thinks what we have will work. I have sent this info
along to him. In about a week I hope to see if the harness works. After playing with this car for almost 5 years, if it runs you guys will hear me
yelling all the way down under. I can't wait to push the start button. Thanks for the help.