wondering if anybody has ever tried front mount a ej subaru engine in front of a vw bug? i see rear mount, mid mounts in subie conversions. seen a 350 chevy implanted in the front mount on a bug, thought about why nobody has tried mounting a subie engine in the front n using the subie transmission the way they are in a subaru car. anybody tried it??? or know any disadvantages???
It could be done, but getting it passed for street use would be another problem. You would need a special chassis etc. so the car would come under
individual constructed vehicle rules which can be a minefield. One of the advantages of the rear engine layout is the traction afforded so AWD is not
needed, going front engine your just running with the rest of the pack.
hey thanks steve.. you've made some good points. think i'll go rear mount instead. who would want to be like the rest of the pack, nobody would win like that lolol
get hold of a RS legacy water to air set up , compact , works , neat package