hey Guys
I'm after some injectors for my RS Liberty atleast 550cc can any one source these or give me someones number i can buy them off, got about $500 to
What size injectors are you guys using? are they WRX or LIberty ones?
I am told to stay clear of using wrx injectors as they tend to leak. any ideas on this?
cheers guys
Go to the RS liberty forum , you can see the build up in there
got my injectors, had to buy WRX injecotors that dont fit in the RS rails but Sard make a custom collar that mounts onto the RS rails with longer
screws and a extra O ring, worst thing about them is they cost $200+ the injectors are 540cc sard that only cost me $200.
So now i have a brand new set of 380cc Grey tops that fit directly into RS rails for sale if any one wants them, they cost me $500 fitted less then a
month ago. expensive paper weights!