here is part of an add for raby's car built for the tv show "blow it up"
remember it is in usd
*2.8Liter MassIVe Type 4 engine by Aircooled technology, runs on pump gas, or race gas.
*The car/ engine made 190 HP at 6,500 RPM at the Southeast Dyno Day in March 2008, 246HP at the Aircooled Tech Dyno (New cost for this engine is in
excess of 25,000.00 indluding the following)
see the whole ad here
dont get me wrong i think the car itself is worth what they are asking for it
but $25000usd to get 190horsies on an independant dyno and 246 on your own
theres money out there for someone to develop a "purist" pill
for those suffering from ESHP syndrome
excrement, steep hill, pointy stick
purists are in shock.. no doubt.. hehe
wonder if we'll eventually see a wrx with a "massIVe typ4"
I think the 190HP might have been a chassis dyno, and the 246HP an engine dyno. That gives a gearbox efficiency of about 77% which is in the ballpark for a VW.