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evap - do i need it
supa74 - September 22nd, 2009 at 08:36 AM

im using a subaru turbo jdm engine in my vw bug, i'll be keeping the stock ecu and all sensor n etc close as possible.. need to know will i also need the vapor system or can i obsolete this? i have the charcoal canister that came with the engine, but i also do not wont any ecu pop codes from the evap either.. for those that uses the stock subaru ecu, do you use the evap sytem setup or you obsolete it?? need to know

supa74 - September 22nd, 2009 at 09:08 AM

think i found my reply.. since i dont hae emissions or inspections here. i think i can do what this guy did..
quote{Do you guys have to run a canister? One of the things I have done in the past is to measure the resistance of the purge valve and fit a resister in the electrical plug, then remove the canister. The need for the resister is to fool the ecu into thinking that the purge valve is still conected so it won't log an error code or put the engine light on.}

Joel - September 22nd, 2009 at 08:09 PM

where exactly are you?

if you dont want to fit the canister just block off the port on the throttle body and leave the purge valve connected to the ECU as per stock just with no hoses on it

the ECU doent know its not doing anything it just needs to know its there and connected

supa74 - September 23rd, 2009 at 10:45 AM

Joel, im in the usa, states, arkansas state. i think they allow anything and everything go up and down the highway in this state, wierd, because i'd moved from another state which had strict smog, emissions and inspections was long list of stuff. thanks mate for the info on evap.. i will do that soon.

supa74 - September 26th, 2009 at 12:33 PM

Joel, where exactly is the purge valve located on the ej20 twin turbo.. i been looking and im not finding it.. does it have an electric line by vacuum hoses or is it completely vacuum type purge valve? if you have a picture it would help me out where to find the purge valve

Joel - September 27th, 2009 at 10:08 AM

i havent had a chance to disect a TT engine
on mine its mounted on the underside of the manifold on the powersteering pump side

it shouldnt be hard to find, theres a rubber vacum hose going from it to the throttle body
just trace the hose from the throttle body back, they usually run through the hard line jungle underneath the manifold

supa74 - September 27th, 2009 at 10:33 AM

i have my power steering pump off, because im not going to use it.. i even took off that radiator reservoir off from the side. air intake hose off there.. so all thats wide open.. i even traced the smallest metal line out.. it goes to the top of my throttle body. i can not find nothing in that side on the intake manifold of under it thats anything other than fuel hoses running back n forth.. nothing is screwed in the intake there or anything. that line that goes from top of throttle body to underneath the intake to the other side.. theres nothing on it.. . it goes straight through to the other side without stopping anywheres. its puzzling to me.