I've been told that STIs had oil temperature gauges, I cant seem to find a sender that could be the oil temperature sender.
I can always put one in the sump or in my remote filter mount.
Does anybody know where its located?
I've never seen or heard of STi's having oil temp guages. We normally put a temp guage sender into a filter sandwich plate but the sump is a better place for it.
Hi Al
Thanks for that, I have my sump off at the moment and I expected to see some sort of sender, I've seen gauges on E bay and they mention that they are
from an STI.
So I guess the sender should be located away from the turbo oil return? Any suggestions where is the best spot?
What is the best stuff to glue the sump back on?
I'd put the sender mid sump under the oil level so it gets a true temp of the oil supply.
Sump glue is either 3bond or loctite ultra grey. Don't use any other type of silicone.